I turned my dishwasher on the other day and, Pew! The smell was awful! I tried to run extra water through the sinks and relieve my suffering nose from the stench but to no avail. After fixing supper last night, my sweet hubby was helping clear the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. When he tried to use the garbage disposal, it backed up and filled the sink with yucky water! YUCKY YUCKY water! Well, to make a long story short, he got it unplugged and we figured out why my dishwasher was stinking...it was the garbage disposal, not the dishwasher that had a problem. From now on, I will be careful not to put cut flowers down the garbage disposal. They are pretty in the vase, but when they get old, they can really stink!
Lord, help me get rid of my stinkin' thinkin' and focus my thoughts on things that are pure, things that are lovely and things that are of a good report. These good things will unplug my heart of the decomposing thoughts that linger in my mind for too long and make my life stink! Help me to check my "garbage disposal" frequently so anything coming out of my mouth will be fresh and sweet."
Great thought at the end! I need to check myself as well.